This session is crucial for anyone involved in building AI applications, regardless of project size or complexity. Whether you're developing interactive customer solutions or deploying large-scale models, understanding the foundation of your data infrastructure is key.
Streamlined AI Workflow: Discover how these tools empower developers throughout the entire development and deployment lifecycle.
Scalable Data Management: Explore how different databases handle varying data volumes for seamless growth as your needs evolve.
Cost-Conscious Innovation: Uncover strategies to optimize innovation expenses while fostering sustainable development.
PingCAP 成立于 2015 年,是一家企业级开源分布式数据库厂商,提供包括开源分布式数据库产品、解决方案与咨询、技术支持与培训认证服务,致力于为全球行业用户提供稳定高效、安全可靠、开放兼容的新型数据基础设施,解放企业生产力,加速企业数字化转型升级。 由 PingCAP 创立的分布式关系型数据库 TiDB,为企业关键业务打造,具备「分布式强一致性事务、在线弹性水平扩展、故障自恢复的高可用、跨数据中心多活」等企业级核心特性,帮助企业最大化发挥数据价值,充分释放企业增长空间。 目前,PingCAP 已经向包括中国、美国、欧洲、日本、东南亚等国家和地区,超过 1500 家企业提供服务,涉及金融、运营商、制造、零售、互联网、政府等多个行业。